Anders Wyke passes on the baton and title of Project Manager to experienced Morten Stoy, who in the future will be in charge of engineering, quotes and project management at BSB Industry.
Anders Wyke passes on the project manager baton to Morten Stoy
It is an extremely skilled and well-liked employee that BSB Industry will say goodbye to when project manager Anders Wyke makes his retirement on Friday 17 December, 2021.

- I have had many fantastic years in the job market, most recently at BSB Industry. I would like to extend a big thank you to all our customers, partners and suppliers. I have been most blessed in my professional life, not the least with the ongoing close and enriching contact with customers, just as it has been a fascinating experience to be part of the development and execution of many exciting products and projects, says Anders Wyke.
Anders Wyke / Project Manager
Morten Stoy will continue in the same solid track
Anders Wyke has played an important role in our journey from exclusively selling individual products to providing complete solutions, from development and construction to production and supply chain solution. That journey continues with Morten Stoy at the helm.

- I will do my utmost to serve the customers at the same high level as Anders have. We share the same philosophy and approach to the job. At the moment we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition, so that our customers will have a good experience, emphasizes Morten Stoy, new Project Manager at BSB Industry.
Morten Stoy / Project Manager
Contact information
Any time you have questions about engineering, prices or project management, from now on Morten Stoy is the person to contact.
From all of BSB Industry, we would very much like to thank Anders Wyke for his great work effort and an always constructive approach. All work has been done with a high degree of professionalism and great attention to detail.
We express our hope that you will welcome Morten Stoy in his new position.
Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen, Partner / CEO
Claus Iwersen, Partner / CFO
Kristian Sloth, Sales director