25. February 2020

BSB Industry in support of Save the Children

Save the Children works for children's rights and provides emergency and long-term assistance to vulnerable children in Denmark and the world. With a newly signed corporate sponsorship, BSB Industry wants to recognize and support the great work the world's largest independent children's organization is doing for vulnerable children.

Smiling children from Africa

"At BSB Industry, we are in active support of several of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, because we care about our world. With the corporate sponsorship of Save the Children, we can now assist in helping some of the most vulnerable children in Denmark and internationally in the world's hot spots," explains BSB Industry CFO Claus Iwersen.

Save The Children Denmark is a national organization with more than 1.000 volunteers who run more than 60 local branches all over the country. The Danish branch is part of the worldwide Save The Children humanitarian organization.

Save the Children makes a difference

With a business sponsorship, BSB Industry helps provide food to starving children and shelter for children affected by natural disasters. The support also helps ensure that emergency aid is distributed to children caught in war, just as lost children on the run, without a mother or father to care for them, receive help.

"There are plenty of reasons as to why to support Save the Children. Our business sponsorship for helps educate children who are otherwise denied schooling. Save the Children is fighting for underaged girls and boys who are forced to undertake dangerous work, live a life on the street, or engage in premature marriage. In Denmark, with our support, we will be part of the effort to help and support vulnerable children who too often have to endure lives of violence and victimization," Claus Iwersen says.

BSB Industry supports Save the Children 1

86 percent of the funds go directly to the children

As much as 86 percent of the sponsorship support goes directly to the children. In addition, seven percent goes to information and collection. Only seven percent goes to payroll and administration.

"Their tight management of the money and the efficient way they spend it are major reasons why we at BSB Industry have decided to support Save the Children, a recognition of the difference they make for vulnerable children in Denmark and around the world," emphasizes BSB Industry CFO Claus Iwersen.

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Claus Iwersen
Partner / CFO

Claus Iwersen