4. May 2022

BSB publishes Environmental Report 2021

Sustainability is vitally important to BSB, and as a major supplier to the wind industry, the company is especially committed to furthering efforts to support the climate. In Environmental Report 2021, you can read about how BSB is succeeding in creating results on the sustainable bottom line.

BSB Industry Eviromental report

- In connection with our environmental certifications and the stricter requirements from customers and authorities, we at BSB are focused on a more structured approach to our environmental efforts. In the BSB Environmental Report, we provide an insight into the efforts we have made and the results we have achieved in 2021, says Winnie Fedders, Head of QHSE & CBI at BSB.

In the BSB Environmental Report 2021, you can read about the company's waste efforts, energy audits and CO2 accounts, as well as finding inspiration in specific projects that have made and will make a difference to the environment.

- Many of our efforts are characterized by the fact that we are in the start-up phase, which is only natural in light of our company having been environmentally certified as late as in 2020. So 2021 has been the year where we were to find our own environmental voice, while at the same time beginning to deal with an evergrowing list of demands that are springing up like mushrooms in a world where the environment is now a very top priority, explains Winnie Fedders, who in the environmental report also reveals the company's focus in 2022.

Winnie Fedders / Head of QHSE & CBI, BSB

It's about our image

The environment is about to become an important competitive parameter, where customers will expect us to do still more. Being competitive is no longer just a question of money, but indeed also of image.

Winnie Fedders / Head of QHSE & CBI, BSB

Climate efforts are high on the 2022 agenda

- In 2022, our goal is to become sharper on our CO2 accounts. We are strongly considering investing in a software system that can help calculate our climate footprint. It is important that we find a model that can be used to calculate our climate footprint based on customers, because that is the way the wind blows in the wind industry, says the environmental manager at BSB.

In addition, BSB will leverage the data that have been collected through 2021 and use them as stepping stones to select the next projects to work on. Among other things the company will select and initiate actions that can reduce its consumption in the energy audit's top-3 as well as putting a renewed focus on the handling of waste.

- The environment is about to become an important competitive parameter, where customers will expect us to do still more. Being competitive is no longer just a question of money, but indeed also of image, emphasizes Winnie Fedders, Head of QHSE & CBI at BSB.

Please download BSB Environmental Report 2021


Winnie Fedders
QHSE Specialist

Winnie Fedders