15. April 2020

The CEO awards praise in the Corona era

While much of Denmark has been under lockdown over the past month, the employees of BSB Industry and BSB Poland have stepped up and taken responsibility. A heartfelt praise from BSB Industry CEO Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen.

Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen 14

- I am impressed. All employees of BSB Industry and BSB Poland have my deepest respect. They have taken responsibility and stepped up to an admirable degree. We have faced several challenges, but they have been solved jointly. Not the least because our employees have shown a high degree of flexibility and because they have been giving it their best during this period of extreme pressure and bustle, says Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen, who praises the employees in both Poland and Denmark.

- I was somewhat anxious as to whether BSB Poland could maintain its high level of production under new and hitherto unknown circumstances where management was forced to lead from a distance. But the challenge has been met in ways that exceed all expectations. This new kind of distance management has proven workable as our employees have performed independently and with stone-hard dedication and determination.

- In Denmark, production manager Heino Pedersen has run production with his usual steady hand. The result being that production in both Denmark and Poland has been running in high gear. Orders have been produced and delivered on time in the usual high quality that characterizes BSB Industry and BSB Poland. There has been no messing around, says Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen, who also welcomes the fact that the office-employees behind the desks have performed admirably in spite of having had to adjust to a completely new situation of working on a distance.

- It is certainly not easy to be fully concentrated and focused on tasks when working from the home. Some have had the challenge of having to care for smaller children, while others have been occupied with teaching and helping elder siblings with their homework. Despite all this, everyone has succeeded in doing their jobs contributing to and ultimately ensuring that BSB Industry and BSB Poland have been able to perform resiliently and unabated despite the difficulties imposed by the corona virus situation.

- In the coming period, more office-employees will end distance-working and carry out their duties from our offices. We naturally adhere to all recommendations from the health authorities, and we will continue to do our utmost to take good care of all and each other, stresses CEO Teddy Norsgaard Jørgensen in his praise to the employees of BSB Industry and BSB Poland.